Slobidska str., 49, Zaporizhzhia, 69002Company website
LLC “Zaporizhinstrument Trading” (ZIT) – the coordinating structure of the system, which performs marketing and supply and sales functions, is the only trading house for the sale of tools produced by CJSC “Zaporizhsky Instrumental Zavod named after Voikov” and CJSC “Kharkiv Instrumental Zavod”. The specialization of the factories, which has developed since Soviet times, is aimed at the production of threading tools: taps, dies, drills.
The Zaporizhzhia Instrument Plant is one of the largest and widely known manufacturers of taps, cutters, drills, and gauges. The trademark of the plant has long been a symbol of quality and stability.
The Kharkiv Tool Factory is the leader in the Ukrainian market in the production of dies and the only manufacturer of dies of increased productivity and stability with a rolled and proven thread profile and dies for conical threads.