Production and sale wholesale and retail of cereals, sunflower, products of their processing (flour, cereals, bakery and pasta, sunflower oil). Car services and tractor services for the population.
Growing cereals and sunflower. Meat and dairy farming.
Growing of fruits, berries, nuts, cereals and industrial crops for the production of beverages. Trade in fruits and vegetables.
Growing of cereals and industrial crops. Livestock (meat, milk).
Growing and selling cereals (wheat, barley, corn), legumes (soybeans, peas), oilseeds (sunflower).
Specializes in the manufacture of high-quality lubricants and metal containers of the widest range possible.
Production of cereals, sunflower
Production of sunflower and wheat seeds. Growing fruits, berries, grapes, nursery products (seedlings, fruit trees).
Growing wheat, barley, sunflower, buckwheat, millet. Freight road transport.
Growing cereals, sunflower. Milk and meat production.