The company specialises in the production of high-quality food products. We offer natural products, namely nuts in acacia honey, which combine traditions and modern production technologies. Products. TM SmakyuGorix offers nuts in honey, presented in various variations of nuts and volumes of packaging. All products are made using only natural ingredients, without preservatives and additives. […]
До складу Охоронного Холдингу «Сварог» входять :
ТОВ «Охоронна компанія Велес»
ТОВ «Охоронне агентство Сварог»
ТОВ «Охоронне агентство Троян»
ТОВ «Арбалет Охорона»
Бізнес-асоціація спрямована на об`єднання запорізького бізнесу, сприяння розвитку підприємництва та просуванню продукції/ товарів/послуг, особистий ріст членів організації, захист їх прав та законних інтересів.
Sodruzhestvo Avia Bud LTD is one of the most dynamically developing enterprises in Zaporizhzhia region. A team of professionals in the aviation and construction industry is ready to perform work of any complexity. For this purpose, the company has – created its own production facilities and workshops; – installed and put into operation modern equipment; […]
Zaporizhzhya Pharmaceutical Company was founded on August 25, 2000. On May 3, 2001, the first pharmacy was opened.
In 2011, the Company won the honorary title of "Pharmacy of the Year" in the professional competition "Panacea".
The Company owns four pharmacy brands: Zdrava, Blagodat, Optimal Pharmacy, and OPTapteka.
Limited Liability Company Animation and Multiplication Company “Really IT” Who we are School of IT disciplines for children and adults What we do Modern online school of IT technologies, training on modern author’s programs and 100% practice at the computer. We will teach everyone! We teach Design, Web development, 2D and 3D technologies and photography. […]