Dniprovska Agro-Industrial Group

69065, Elektrozavodskaya street 3, Zaporizhzhia, UkraineCompany website
https://dneprovska.com.ua/p/kontakty-ukDniprovska Agro-Industrial Group is a key company of the agricultural business of Ukraine. A vertically integrated company integrates activity of the enterprises situated in Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhya regions.
Today, main production activities of the Company enterprises are as follows:
- Poultry farming
- Crop farming
- Industrial crop processing
The Company includes a core enterprise LLC “Poultry Complex “Dniprovsky”, Nikopol, which products are widely known under the brand names ”Знатна курка” (Znatna kurka) and ULAS.
Based on the results of 2019, a share of the Company in the poultry meat market made approximately 7%.
LLC “PPK “Zaporizkiy”, which is a part of the vertically integrated Company, provides completely for the needs of LLC “Poultry Complex “Dniprovsky” in hatchery eggs to reproduce broiler stock.
Corn growing plants in Tokmatsky, Kuibyshevsky districts of Zaporizhzhya region, in Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region were established and now working to ensure forage supplies for in-house feed production.
A significant role in reduction of broiler meat production cost belongs to LLC “Agroproinvest 08″ products. Sunflower seed and soybean processing products are used for feed production.