About the company “Soyuz –continent”

Soyuz –continent” company is a modern enterprise that produce a wide range of the electrical control equipment of 0,4–35 kV. Our company supplies electric products of our own production and also the products of leading national and foreign producers. Our main task is to satisfy the ever increasing needs of customers in the way of providing qualitative products and services.
Production base of the company equipped with everything necessary to design and manufacture of both standard and optional equipment. It is possible to produce almost any type of electric equipment.
Reliability, quality and pricing of our company have formed a wide circle of customers for complete devices with voltage 35/10/0,4 kV. There appeared a mutual demand among consumer market and manufacturer producer. Thanks to great experience of our experts and modern views, the company can achieve quick results in development of a market of electric equipment.
Due to continuous training of our personnel, we pay great attention to security issues, reliability, functionality and usability of our output equipment.
The use of modern complete devices of leading national and foreign producers help to ensure reliability and long term of operation of our equipment, and also to conduct a complete economic policy in market prices.
Our customers today are the major building companies, electrical mounting organizations, and also enterprises of metallurgical and mining industry.