Agro-Industrial Complex
Building Industry
Energy Engineering. Energy Conservation
Consumer Goods Industry
Engineering Industry. Metallurgy.
Services. Consulting
Advertisement. Printing Industry
Food Industry

Сhemical industry

Clusters. Associations
New companies in catalog
B2B proposals

Automated management system – from "INFOCOM LTD"
PE “YuzhTransPolis Plus”
Kotlomontazh LLC offers cooperation to Ukrainian and foreign partners
The private enterprise production and commercial firm «Polymer» is presented on the market of ECO laundry powders under its own brand TRONA
Realization of This Project and Your Participation Will Allow
To improve reputation
of entrepreneurship of Zaporizhzhia region
To demonstrate
domestic business to the world community

The project is based on a strong network of partners abroad, which creates conditions for increasing the competitiveness of business.
By means of PRO_Business:
- we form a positive image of the region, increase the recognition of Zaporizhzhya region and Ukraine in the world;
- we unite the active business community in region for achievement of common goals – creating the most effective conditions for the development of companies, strengthening market positions and expanding international business contacts;
- we promote business interests, cluster initiatives of Zaporizhzhia enterprises;